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In Pursuit of the Past: Collecting Old Art in Modern India Circa 1875-1950
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Marg Pubns
Publication date November 30, 2015
Pages 179
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9789383243099
ISBN-10 9383243090
Dimensions 0.75 by 9.50 by 12 in.
Weight 2.88 lbs.
Original list price $69.95
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:
  • To date, as far as is known, no book has ever been written on the history of collecting in India, either of books or art

For the subcontinent of India, the period from the late 19th to the first half of the 20th century was one of extensive and substantial change. A significant development was the awakening of a sense of national pride, which included an increased awareness and interest in the region's ancient heritage. The explorations of the Archaeological Survey of India (founded in 1861) unearthed several treasures of the past; in addition, the dwindling fortunes of princely families led them to begin disposing of their possessions. As a result, several individuals from wealthy and educated Indian families, as also enlightened European visitors and residents, zealously acquired objects of historic and aesthetic appeal. Today these works of art, preserved in museum or private collections in India and abroad, provide rich materials for the study of India's art history.

This book presents the stories of these pioneering collectors and collections in eminently readable form. Many of the 20th-century collectors were personally known to the author, and he presents interesting, little-known facts about their lives and how they came to acquire some of the prize pieces in their collections. Apart from his own recollections, Dr. Pal has mined the memoirs of other scholars, collectors and dealers, as well as writings and catalogs that provide details of acquisitions and sources. He traces the journey of great works of art over the decades, as collections were sold or gifted away, as a whole or dispersed.

The significant figures of this period come alive in the narrative and their singleminded pursuit of beauty is evident from some of the most significant objects from their collections illustrated here.

Any reader with an interest in India's glorious art traditions will find a wealth of information in this book, presented in the author's inimitable style with insightful comment and observation. Marg is honored to published this magnum opus on the occasion of Dr. Pal completing 80 years.

Book cover for 9789383243099
The price comparison is for this edition
from Marg Pubns (November 30, 2015)
9789383243099 | details & prices | 179 pages | 9.50 × 12.00 × 0.75 in. | 2.88 lbs | List price $69.95
About: To date, as far as is known, no book has ever been written on the history of collecting in India, either of books or artFor the subcontinent of India, the period from the late 19th to the first half of the 20th century was one of extensive and substantial change.

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