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La isla del tesoro / Treasure Island
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Bibliographic Detail
Penguin Classics
Publication date
November 17, 2015
Book category
Adult Fiction
0.70 by 5 by 7.50 in.
0.60 lbs.
Original list price
$9.95 says people who bought this book also bought:
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El Principito / The Little Prince | La Telarana de Carlota / Charlotte's Web | El ratoncito de la moto / The Mouse and the Motorcycle | El leon, la bruja y el ropera / The Lion, the Witch, And the Wardrobe
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:
Los mejores libros jamás escritos. Jim Hawkins regenta, junto a sus padres, la posada Almirante Benbow. Su vida discurre tranquila entre la barra y las mesas hasta que, un dÃÂa, un viejo marinero entra en su fonda acarreando un pesado secreto... De la noche a la mañana el joven Jim se encuentra en la cubierta de la Hispan iola, rodeado de rudos marineros, agasajado por un misterioso cocinero cojo, ansiosos todos ellos por encontrar el codiciado tesoro del capitán Flint. Esta edición, que recupera la buena labor traductora de Jordi Beltrán, se abre con un estudio de John Sutherland, máxima autoridad en literatura victoriana y célebre anotador stevensoniano, quien a su vez indaga en los entresijos más recónditos de la novela (y su proceso de escritura) en los apéndices. «Quince hombres tras el cofre del muerto, ¡oh, oh, oh y una botella de ron!» ENGLISH DESCRIPTION One of the most enduringly popular adventure tales, Treasure Island began in 1881 as a serialized adventure entitled "The Sea-Cook" in the periodical Young Folks. Completed during a stay at Davos, Switzerland, where Stevenson had gone for his health, it was published in 1883 in the form we know today. Set in the eighteenth century, Treasure Island spins a heady tale of piracy, a mysterious treasure map, and a host of sinister characters charged with diabolical intentions. Seen through the eyes of Jim Hawkins, the cabin boy of the Hispaniola, the action-packed adventure tells of a perilous sea journey across the Spanish Main, a mutiny led by the infamous Long John Silver, and a lethal scramble for buried treasure on an exotic isle. Rich in atmosphere and character, Treasure Island continues to mesmerize readers with its perceptive views of the changing nature of human motives.
The price comparison is for this edition
With Jordi Beltran (other contributor), John Sutherland (other contributor) |
from Penguin Classics (November 17, 2015)
9788491050889 | details & prices | 353 pages | 5.00 × 7.50 × 0.70 in. | 0.60 lbs | List price $9.95
This edition also contains La Isla Del Tesoro / Treasure Island
About: Los mejores libros jamás escritos.
This edition also contains La Isla Del Tesoro / Treasure Island
About: Los mejores libros jamás escritos.
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This edition also contains La Isla Del Tesoro / Treasure Island
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This edition also contains La Isla Del Tesoro / Treasure Island
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About: La aventura iniciatica de un joven en busca del tesoro perdido de un pirata.
About: La aventura iniciatica de un joven en busca del tesoro perdido de un pirata.
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