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Bituín, bituín Natacha/ Natacha Speaks English
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Alfaguara
Publication date March 3, 2009
Pages 128
Binding Paperback
Book category Juvenile Fiction
ISBN-13 9786070117459
ISBN-10 607011745X
Original list price $12.95
Other format details juvenile
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

Natacha writes to her dog Raffles telling him all about her beach vacation. She goes to a library with her classmates to do research on The Beatles, and makes significant progress in her English language studies. She consults the I Ching and is advised to cross the great waters. She also asks questions like Mom, did you know we are supposed to be competing for Dad's attention

Natacha le escribe cartas a Rafles contándole sus vacaciones en la playa; visita con sus compañeros una biblioteca para encarar una investigación sobre músicos antiguos (Los Beatles), hace notables avances en el esudio del idioma inglés, consulta el I Chin y hace preguntas como Mamá tú sabías que teníamos que competir por papá

Book cover for 9786070117459
The price comparison is for this edition
from Alfaguara (March 3, 2009); titled "Bituín, bituín Natacha/ Natacha Speaks English"
9786070117459 | details & prices | 128 pages | List price $12.95
About: Natacha writes to her dog Raffles telling him all about her beach vacation.

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