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Karel Appel: Works on Paper
By Jonas Storsve (editor) and Karel Appel ( (other contributor))
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Buro Sieveking Gmbit
Publication date December 10, 2015
Pages 153
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9783944874319
ISBN-10 3944874315
Dimensions 0.75 by 8.75 by 11 in.
Weight 2.25 lbs.
Original list price $60.00 says people who bought this book also bought:
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:
  • This retrospective, assembled from the artist's estate, offers the first comprehensive survey in decades of Karel Appel's works on paper
  • Publication coincides with a major retrospective in Paris and Munich: Centre Pompidou, Paris, from October 21, 2015, to January 11, 2016 and Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich, Pinakothek der Moderne, from February 4 to April 17, 2016

Karel Appel: Works on Paper presents the artist's drawings, which have rarely been exhibited. Appel did not consider his drawings byproducts of painting. In spontaneous creative bursts, he frequently produced works on paper that helped him clarify his art as a whole. Thus, the childlike creatures of the early years, the almost abstract expressive outbursts of the 1950s, and the experiments with collage can be experienced in a completely unique way in his drawings.

Karel Appel (1921-2006) is one of the Netherlands' most outstanding artists. As a cofounder of the CoBrA group, he was part of an international network of avant-garde artists and is regarded as one of the rejuvenators of post-1945 art. In the 1950s he began spending long periods of time in Paris and New York and soon enjoyed international success. Today his colorful sculptures can be found in many public squares, and his often large-format paintings are in museums around the world.

Book cover for 9783944874319
The price comparison is for this edition
from Buro Sieveking Gmbit (December 10, 2015)
9783944874319 | details & prices | 153 pages | 8.75 × 11.00 × 0.75 in. | 2.25 lbs | List price $60.00
About: This retrospective, assembled from the artist's estate, offers the first comprehensive survey in decades of Karel Appel's works on paperPublication coincides with a major retrospective in Paris and Munich: Centre Pompidou, Paris, from October 21, 2015, to January 11, 2016 and Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich, Pinakothek der Moderne, from February 4 to April 17, 2016Karel Appel: Works on Paper presents the artist's drawings, which have rarely been exhibited.

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