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Film Curatorship: Archives, Museums, and the Digital Marketplace
By David Francis (editor), Paolo Cherchi Usai (editor), Michael Loebenstein (editor) and Alexander Horwath (editor)
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Austrian Film Museum
Publication date December 15, 2008
Pages 237
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9783901644245
ISBN-10 3901644245
Dimensions 0.75 by 6.50 by 7.75 in.
Weight 0.86 lbs.
Original list price $32.50
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Film Programming | Moving Image Technology | Film Restoration | Silent Cinema
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: What are the major issues and challenges film archives, cinémathèques and film museums are bound to face in the Digital Age and at a time when there is an expectation of Access on Demand?

Film Curatorship neither offers a scholarly analysis, nor attempts to provide definitive answers to a complex situation involving aesthetic as well as technological, economic and political issues. As a collective text, a montage of dialogues, conversations and exchanges between four professionals representing three generations of film archivists and curators, this book calls for an open philosophical and ethical debate on fundamental questions the profession must come to terms with. What is curatorship, and what does it imply in the context of film preservation and presentation? Is there a concept of the "film artifact" that transcends the idea of film as "content" or "art" in the information age?

The four authors of Film Curatorship have agreed to lay bare their concerns, visions, and strategies in a multi-faceted brainstorming session, aimed at fostering an open, non-dogmatic debate on the relationship of film to other forms of moving image and its presentation and preservation in the 21st century.

Book cover for 9783901644245
The price comparison is for this edition
from Austrian Film Museum (December 15, 2008)
9783901644245 | details & prices | 237 pages | 6.50 × 7.75 × 0.75 in. | 0.86 lbs | List price $32.50
About: What are the major issues and challenges film archives, cinémathèques and film museums are bound to face in the Digital Age and at a time when there is an expectation of Access on Demand?

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