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Landscape With Figures
By Massimo Vitali (photographer)
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Steidl / Edition7L
Publication date February 1, 2011
Pages 211
Binding Hardcover
Edition 2 revised
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9783869301976
ISBN-10 386930197X
Dimensions 1.25 by 14.75 by 11.75 in.
Weight 5.50 lbs.
Availability§ Out of Print
Original list price $98.00
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: In the first edition of Landscape with Figures (2004), Massimo Vitali showed his entire oeuvre of the 1990s, broadening the scope of his survey of beaches and discos to include skiing resorts and swimming pools from across the globe. Since 2007 Vitali has modified his perspective, shifting between an architectural background and a bizarre and fantastic mise-en-scène inspired by Romantic landscape painting. The book--composed of 70 photographs from 2004 to 2009--also includes a "genealogical tree" of his photographs--120 thumbnails images which make visual connections by color, composition and time.

Book cover for 9783869301976
The price comparison is for this edition
2 revised edition from Steidl / Edition7L (February 1, 2011)
9783869301976 | details & prices | 211 pages | 14.75 × 11.75 × 1.25 in. | 5.50 lbs | List price $98.00
About: In the first edition of Landscape with Figures (2004), Massimo Vitali showed his entire oeuvre of the 1990s, broadening the scope of his survey of beaches and discos to include skiing resorts and swimming pools from across the globe.

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