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Excel 2010 for Environmental Sciences Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Springer Verlag
Publication date December 8, 2015
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9783319239699
ISBN-10 3319239694
Dimensions 0.50 by 6.50 by 9.50 in.
Weight 1.20 lbs.
Published in Europe
Original list price $59.99
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

This is the first book to show the capabilities of Microsoft Excel to teach environmental sciences statistics effectively.  It is a step-by-step exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master Excel to solve practical environmental sciences problems.  If understanding statistics isn’t your strongest suit, you are not especially mathematically-inclined, or if you are wary of computers, this is the right book for you. 

Excel, a widely available computer program for students and managers, is also an effective teaching and learning tool for quantitative analyses in environmental science courses.  Its powerful computational ability and graphical functions make learning statistics much easier than in years past.  However, Excel 2010 for Environmental Sciences Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems is the first book to capitalize on these improvements by teaching students and managers how to apply Excel to statistical techniques necessary in their courses and work.

Each chapter explains statistical formulas and directs the reader to use Excel commands to solve specific, easy-to-understand environmental science problems.  Practice problems are provided at the end of each chapter with their solutions in an appendix.  Separately, there is a full Practice Test (with answers in an Appendix) that allows readers to test what they have learned.

Book cover for 9783319239699
The price comparison is for this edition
from Springer Verlag (December 8, 2015)
9783319239699 | details & prices | 6.50 × 9.50 × 0.50 in. | 1.20 lbs | List price $59.99
About: This is the first book to show the capabilities of Microsoft Excel to teach environmental sciences statistics effectively.

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