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Icons of the Desert: Early Aboriginal Paintings from Papunya, Australian Edition
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Cornell Univ Herbert F Johnson
Publication date February 13, 2009
Pages 150
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781934260074
ISBN-10 193426007X
Dimensions 0 by 11 by 11 in.
Availability§ Publisher Out of Stock Indefinitely
Original list price $30.00
Other format details university press
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:
The Origin of the World is a revealing, intimate, and ultimately liberating study of female sexuality at its heart: the vagina. Working from the assumption that sex is pleasurable and fulfilling insofar as its participants fully understand how it works, sexologist Jelto Drenth gives readers a guided tour of the complex, challenging, and often misunderstood "origin of the world."

Drenth describes the workings of the vagina in simple language, enriching his description throughout the book with the imagery, mythology, lore, and history that has surrounded the vagina since the Middle Ages. The Origin of the World moves from basic physiognomic facts to the realms of anthropology, art history, science fiction, and feminist literature-all in the service of mapping the dark continent. Drenth's journey takes him from Renaissance woodcuts to vibrators, clitoridectomies to "virginity checks," fears of the vagina (the vagina dentata) to its celebration. Part medical exposition covering the function of female genitalia from orgasm to pregnancy and part cultural history discussing contemporary and historical views of such aspects of the feminine as pubic hair, Freud's theories of coitus, and slang terms for the vagina, The Origin of the World is encyclopedic in its breadth, fascinating in its content, and familiar in its subject.

This lightly written exploration can be seen as both an owner's manual and a guide for the perplexed. Women and men alike will benefit from its entertaining erudition and from its fundamental mission of demystifying sex and sexuality in the service of greater understanding and, from that understanding, greater pleasure.

Book cover for 9781934260074
The price comparison is for this edition
from Cornell Univ Herbert F Johnson (February 13, 2009)
9781934260074 | details & prices | 150 pages | List price $30.00
About: The Origin of the World is a revealing, intimate, and ultimately liberating study of female sexuality at its heart: the vagina.

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