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Gemba Walks
John Shook (foreword by) and
James P. Womack
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Bibliographic Detail
Lean Enterprises Inst Inc
Publication date
October 1, 2011
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
1.05 by 5 by 7.25 in.
1.20 lbs.
Publisher Out of Stock Indefinitely
Original list price
§As reported by publisher says people who bought this book also bought:
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Lean Lexicon: A Graphical Glossary for Lean Thinkers | Lean Thinking | Learning to See | Creating Level Pull | The Machine That Changed the World | The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook | Good to Great
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: "The life of lean is experiments. All authority for any sensei flows from experiments on the gemba [the place where work takes place], not from dogmatic interpretations of sacred texts or the few degrees of separation from the founders of the movement. In short, lean is not a religion but a daily practice of conducting experiments and accumulating knowledge." So writes Jim Womack, who over the past 30 years has developed a method of going to visit the gemba at countless companies and keenly observing how people work together to create value. Over the past decade, he has shared his thoughts and discoveries from these visits with the Lean Community through a monthly letter. With Gemba Walks, Womack has selected and re-organized his key letters, as well as written new material providing additional context. Gemba Walks shares his insights on topics ranging from the application of specific tools, to the role of management in sustaining lean, as well as the long-term prospects for this fundamental new way of creating value. Reading this book will reveal to readers a range of lean principles, as well as the basis for the critical lean practice of: go see, ask why, and show respect.
The price comparison is for this edition
With John Shook (other contributor) |
from Lean Enterprises Inst Inc (October 1, 2011)
9781934109151 | details & prices | 348 pages | 5.00 × 7.25 × 1.05 in. | 1.20 lbs | List price $20.00
About: "The life of lean is experiments.
About: "The life of lean is experiments.
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