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Wool-Gathering: Writings
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Denmar Pr
Publication date
September 1, 2000
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: In " Wool Gathering " the author tells of his life as a child growing up in an Italian family in Brooklyn N.Y. in the 1920's. Particularly his times with his quite wonderful and colorful Italian grandfather who came as an immigrant to America at the turn of the century. The authors life as a first born American experiencing ethnic forces is described with interesting anecdotes. One reader said " you made your grandfather come alive" An other said this part of the book was "Soroyanesque". Then the reader is taken on one of the greatest and most accurate heavy bomber missions in WWII where the author participated as a Second Lt. U. S.Army Air Force bombardier. Photographs of the bomb strike and thr bomber crew are in the book. The life and times of the author with the crew co-pilot flying conbat missions out of Italy are told ( the co-pilot was killed). Some stories of the author's mother are included dealing with her as a mother in the depression era, a woman who was a civil rights person long before the designation was created and who had three sons in WWII. A section has some intriguing and unusual short stories that will remain with the reader. Poems including the epic about the famous air raids on the Ploesti, Romania oil refineries in WWII that the author participated in are provided. They cover many aspects of life. Lastly the author sets out some sayings and guidelines he created for better living. The book has all of the above which constitute a portion of of the author's writings.
The price comparison is for this edition
from Denmar Pr (September 1, 2000)
9781930566033 | details & prices | 155 pages | List price $55.01
About: In " Wool Gathering " the author tells of his life as a child growing up in an Italian family in Brooklyn N.
About: In " Wool Gathering " the author tells of his life as a child growing up in an Italian family in Brooklyn N.
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