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For the Love of Terror
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Global Book Sales
Publication date November 15, 2016
Pages 112
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781910401095
ISBN-10 1910401099
Dimensions 0 by 10 by 8 in.
Original list price $50.00
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

Adam Ferguson offers a unique photographic perspective on the conflict in Afghanistan and the interaction between Afghani civilians and the young men serving in the US Army. In Ferguson's account, humor and violence become interchangeable, as the pressure of conflict takes its toll on everyone involved.

Australian photographer Adam Ferguson's work has appeared in numerous international publications including TIME, National Geographic, Vanity Fair, the New York Times, and Rolling Stone, amongst others. His work has been exhibited at the NPG Australia, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston and at the World Press Photo awards in The Netherlands.

Book cover for 9781910401095
The price comparison is for this edition
from Global Book Sales (November 15, 2016)
9781910401095 | details & prices | 112 pages | List price $50.00
About: Adam Ferguson offers a unique photographic perspective on the conflict in Afghanistan and the interaction between Afghani civilians and the young men serving in the US Army.

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