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Liturgical Resources for the Year of Mark: Sundays in Ordinary Time in Year B
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Columba Pr
Publication date December 15, 2008
Pages 370
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781856076272
ISBN-10 185607627X
Published in Great Britain
Original list price $33.95
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: A treasure trove of extra resources, insights and practical suggestions for the liturgy of every Sunday and major feastday in Ordinary Time in Year B, the Year of Mark. For each occasion, Fr O'Loughlin offers: (a) A Celebrant's Guide which covers Introduction to the Celebration, Penitential Rite, Headings for the Readings, Prayer of the Faithful, Eucharistic Prayers (suggestions for Prefaces etc), Invitation to the Our Father, Sign of Peace, Invitation to Communion, Communion Reflection, and Dismissal. (b) Commentaries on each of the readings and psalms. (c) Homily Notes ""A helpful tool for both priests and parishioners who desire to more fully enter into the Eucharistic celebration."" - Catholic Library World

Book cover for 9781856076272
The price comparison is for this edition
from Columba Pr (December 15, 2008)
9781856076272 | details & prices | 370 pages | List price $33.95
About: A treasure trove of extra resources, insights and practical suggestions for the liturgy of every Sunday and major feastday in Ordinary Time in Year B, the Year of Mark.

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