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Blood Red Snow: The Memoirs of a German Soldier on the Eastern Front
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Bibliographic Detail
Greenhill Books/Lionel Leventhal
Publication date
October 1, 2002
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
1.25 by 6.50 by 9.50 in.
1.40 lbs.
Out of Print
Original list price
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Road to Huertgen: Forest in Hell | Panzer Ace: The Memoirs of an Iron Cross Panzer Commander from Barbarossa to Normandy | Tiger Tracks - The Classic Panzer Memoir | D DAY Through German Eyes - The Hidden Story of June 6th 1944 | Sniper on the Eastern Front | The Forgotten Soldier | The Last Panther
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:
Gnnter Koschorrek wrote his illicit diary on any scraps of paper he could lay his hands on. As keeping a diary was strictly forbidden, he sewed the pages into the lining of his thick winter coat and deposited them with his mother on infrequent trips home on leave. The diary went missing and it was when he was reunited with his daughter in America some forty years later that it came to light and became Blood Red Snow. The author was a keen recruit at initial training and his excitement at the first encounter with the enemy in the Russian Steppe is obvious. The horror and confusion of fighting in the streets of Stalingrad are brought to life by his descriptions of the others in his unit; their differing manners and techniques for dealing with the squalor and death. He is also posted to Romania and Italy, assignments he remembers fondly compared to his time on the Eastern Front. This book stands as a memorial to the huge numbers on both sides who did not survive and is, over five decades later, the fulfillment of a responsibility he feels to honour the memory of those who perished. Gnnter K. Koschorrek was a machine-gunner on the Russian front in WWII. He lives in Germany, having retired from his job as managing director of a sales company.
The price comparison is for this edition
With Roger Chesneau, Olav R. Crone-Aamot |
from Greenhill Books/Lionel Leventhal (October 1, 2002)
9781853675089 | details & prices | 318 pages | 6.50 × 9.50 × 1.25 in. | 1.40 lbs | List price $39.95
About: Gnnter Koschorrek wrote his illicit diary on any scraps of paper he could lay his hands on.
About: Gnnter Koschorrek wrote his illicit diary on any scraps of paper he could lay his hands on.
from Zenith Pr (October 15, 2005)
9780760321980 | details & prices | 318 pages | 6.25 × 9.25 × 0.75 in. | 0.95 lbs | List price $18.99
from Greenhill Books/Lionel Leventhal (October 15, 2005)
9781853676390 | details & prices | 288 pages | List price $23.00
About: Gnnter Koschorrek wrote his illicit diary on any scraps of paper he could lay his hands on.
About: Gnnter Koschorrek wrote his illicit diary on any scraps of paper he could lay his hands on.
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