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The Museum of Me
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Tate Gallery Pubn
Publication date October 11, 2016
Pages 48
Binding Hardcover
Book category Easy Fiction
ISBN-13 9781849764148
ISBN-10 184976414X
Dimensions 0 by 8.25 by 10 in.
Original list price $17.95
Other format details juvenile
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:
The Museum of Me follows a little girl on a journey of discovery to find out what museums are and what they have inside them. Brimming with anticipation, she finds giant bugs and peculiar beasts, ancient pots and contemporary paintings, feathery leaves and flowers as big as her own head! Marveling at museums old, new, outdoors, and even in outer space, she soon realizes that her favorite museum of all is waiting for her at home: The Museum of Me. Illustrated in a distinctive, collaged style by debut author Emma Lewis, The Museum of Me celebrates how a collection of objects can reflect our identities.

Book cover for 9781849764148
The price comparison is for this edition
from Tate Gallery Pubn (October 11, 2016)
9781849764148 | details & prices | 48 pages | List price $17.95
About: The Museum of Me follows a little girl on a journey of discovery to find out what museums are and what they have inside them.

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