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Britain at War: From the Invasion of Poland to the Surrender of Japan: 1939-1945
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Carlton Books Ltd
Publication date September 1, 2011
Pages 140
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781847328533
ISBN-10 1847328539
Dimensions 0 by 10 by 11.50 in.
Published in Great Britain
Original list price $49.95
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

Endorsed by, and including rare facsimile memorabilia from, the Imperial War Museum, one of the world's biggest museums specializing in 20th-century military conflict

Written by leading historian Richard Overy, Britain at War transports the reader right back into the heart of the action. Each key event is presented concisely, with maps, photographs, and documents bringing the epic story to life as never before. Every theater involving British troops is covered, from the first two years of the global conflagration in which Britain and her Commonwealth allies, stood alone against the might of [Nazi] Germany and her Axis allies fascist Italy and [Imperial Japan], to the later years when allied alongside the United States and Russia, they continued the long, hard, but ultimately victorious fight for the freedom of Europe, Africa, and Asia. Special items include: Order No. 1 (the German order to invade Poland which led to the British declaration of war against Germany); the letters home of a British officer in Africa telling of his harrowing involvement in the battles of Gazala and Tobruk; and Montgomery's orders for El Alamein.

Book cover for 9781847328533
The price comparison is for this edition
from Carlton Books Ltd (September 1, 2011)
9781847328533 | details & prices | 140 pages | List price $49.95
About: Endorsed by, and including rare facsimile memorabilia from, the Imperial War Museum, one of the world's biggest museums specializing in 20th-century military conflictWritten by leading historian Richard Overy, Britain at War transports the reader right back into the heart of the action.

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