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Boundary Elements: Incorporating Mesh Reduction Methods
By A. Kassab (editor), E. Divo (editor), C. A. Brebbia (editor) and D. Poljak (editor)
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Wit Pr/Computational Mechanics
Publication date February 21, 2005
Pages 768
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781845640057
ISBN-10 1845640055
Dimensions 1.75 by 6.25 by 9 in.
Weight 2.70 lbs.
Published in Great Britain
Original list price $674.00
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: This book contains the edited proceedings of the 27th World Conference on Boundary Elements together with papers presented at the associated International Seminar on Computational Methods in Electrical Engineering and Electromagnetics.

The Boundary Element Conference series continues to attract original contributions on theoretical and fundamental developments, as well as innovative applications. Its scope has also recently been expanded to include other mesh reduction methods.

The presentations from the Computational Methods in Electrical Engineering and Electromagnetics Seminar cover a wide variety of theoretical and applied topics.

Over 65 papers are included and these are divided under the following headings: BOUNDARY ELEMENTS AND OTHER MESH REDUCTION METHODS - Meshless Methods; Dual Reciprocity Method; Advanced Formulations; Inverse Problems; Stress Analysis; Plates and Shells; Damage Mechanics; Wave Propagation; Fluid Problems; Electrostatics and Electromagnetics; Computational Problems. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND ELECTROMAGNETICS - Interaction of Humans with Electromagnetic Fields; High Frequency Electromagnetic Field Coupling to Transmission Lines; Numerical and Computational Methods; Electrical Engineering and Electronics.

Book cover for 9781845640057
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from Wit Pr/Computational Mechanics (February 21, 2005)
9781845640057 | details & prices | 768 pages | 6.25 × 9.00 × 1.75 in. | 2.70 lbs | List price $674.00
About: This book contains the edited proceedings of the 27th World Conference on Boundary Elements together with papers presented at the associated International Seminar on Computational Methods in Electrical Engineering and Electromagnetics.

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