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Life in the 1940s
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher History Pr Ltd
Publication date June 1, 2017
Pages 32
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781841655543
ISBN-10 1841655546
Dimensions 0 by 7 by 9.50 in.
Published in Great Britain
Original list price $11.95
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: This book features, but not limited to, information on: the home—decor, architecture, new trends, technology, Christmas; the workplace—women, growing trades, technology, culture of; popular products—food, high street, shopping habits, adverts; relationships—marriage customs, dating, dancing; childhood—popular toys, games, expectations, schooling; health—big developments, epidemics, childcare, exercise, smoking; fashion—new trends, teen fashion, influences; popular culture—music, film, books, TV, famous people; transport—cars, planes, trains, new vehicles and changing roads/railways; royalty—changes to, place in world, marriages and births; politics—scandals, parties, key figures, national and international; war and peace—current wars or after effects of, international conflicts; and big news stories—extreme events, weather, world stories, sporting events.

Book cover for 9781841655543
The price comparison is for this edition
from History Pr Ltd (June 1, 2017)
9781841655543 | details & prices | 32 pages | List price $11.95
About: This book features, but not limited to, information on: the home—decor, architecture, new trends, technology, Christmas; the workplace—women, growing trades, technology, culture of; popular products—food, high street, shopping habits, adverts; relationships—marriage customs, dating, dancing; childhood—popular toys, games, expectations, schooling; health—big developments, epidemics, childcare, exercise, smoking; fashion—new trends, teen fashion, influences; popular culture—music, film, books, TV, famous people; transport—cars, planes, trains, new vehicles and changing roads/railways; royalty—changes to, place in world, marriages and births; politics—scandals, parties, key figures, national and international; war and peace—current wars or after effects of, international conflicts; and big news stories—extreme events, weather, world stories, sporting events.

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