Animals / Tiere | Animals | A Day | Fruit / La frutta | Vegetables | Clothes / I vestiti | Vehicles / Fahrzeuge | Opposites / I Contrari | Numbers / Con So
Guaranteed to enrich a toddler’s vocabulary, this simple and fun series of bilingual board books is ideal for helping children discover a foreign language. Highlighting more complex concepts that go beyond colors and numbers, titles in the series feature animals, fruit, home, and vegetables. This collection combines photographs, bright illustrations, and dual-language words in clear, bold text. Suitable for both individuals and groups, these books are a child’s perfect introduction to exploring other cultures.
About: Guaranteed to enrich a toddler’s vocabulary, this simple and fun series of bilingual board books is ideal for helping children discover a foreign language.
About: Guaranteed to enrich a toddler’s vocabulary, this simple and fun series of bilingual board books is ideal for helping children discover a foreign language.
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