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The Witch of Bellue
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Austin Macauley Pub Ltd
Publication date March 30, 2016
Pages 324
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Fiction
ISBN-13 9781784552091
ISBN-10 1784552097
Dimensions 0 by 5 by 8 in.
Original list price $13.95
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Morell, the Holy Man rises from the sea injuring his foot in the process. The event is witnessed by a simple fisherman, Gerharst. Such a man, an emissary of Namier, must be taken to the Fort village of Bellue, where Morell hopes to be provided for into his old age. Morell consults a village Healer about his injured foot, but does not anticipate her local knowledge. Afraid of what she knows, he uses his position to brand her a Witch. But Morell does not bargain for the Witch's daughter's gaze to fall upon him.
Tammina, the Witch's daughter, rejects the advances of Frelius' heir, Jael, and at the first opportunity he takes revenge and she is ousted from her home town of Bellue. Sent in lieu of taxes to Bosron, Tammina is forced to live on her wits and to fascinate Parandour, the great Lord of Bosron, to gain her freedom.

from Austin Macauley Pub Ltd (March 30, 2016)
9781784552114 | details & prices | 324 pages | List price $23.95
Book cover for 9781784552091
The price comparison is for this edition
from Austin Macauley Pub Ltd (March 30, 2016)
9781784552091 | details & prices | 324 pages | List price $13.95
About: Morell, the Holy Man rises from the sea injuring his foot in the process.

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