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Credit Rating Agencies: Law and Regulation in the Eu and Us
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Publisher Intl Specialized Book Services
Publication date September 30, 2015
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781780432007
ISBN-10 1780432003
Availability§ Publication Cancelled
Original list price $200.00
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: This practical book sets out and compares and contrasts the EU and US regulatory responses to Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs). It takes into account very recent regulatory initiatives and simultaneously drawing matters of interest to practitioners regarding the practice of CRAs, as well as the wider implications of CRA regulations to the financial services market. The book provides an outline of what CRAs actually do and will serve as a practical, comprehensive, desk top reference for those working directly in the financial services sector internationally.

Book cover for 9780292743052
With Alan Wells, Joel Sherzer | from Univ of Texas Pr (August 1, 1983); titled "Kuna Ways of Speaking: An Ethnographic Perspective"
Book cover for 9781780432007
The price comparison is for this edition
With Alan Wells | from Intl Specialized Book Services (September 30, 2015)
9781780432007 | details & prices | List price $200.00
About: This practical book sets out and compares and contrasts the EU and US regulatory responses to Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs).

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