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Showa 1953-1989: A History of Japan
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Drawn & Quarterly Pubns
Publication date September 29, 2015
Pages 533
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781770462014
ISBN-10 1770462015
Dimensions 2 by 6 by 8 in.
Weight 2 lbs.
Original list price $24.95
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

The final volume in the Eisner-nominated history of Japan; one of NPR's Best Books of 2014!
"Showa 1953 1989: A History of Japan" concludes Shigeru Mizuki's dazzling autobiographical and historical account of Showa-period Japan, a portrait both intimate and ranging of a defining epoch. The final volume picks up in the wake of Japan's utter defeat in World War II, as a country reduced to rubble struggles to rise again. The Korean War brings new opportunities to a nation searching for an identity.
A former enemy becomes their greatest ally as the United States funnels money, jobs, and opportunity into Japan, hoping to establish the country as a bulwark against Soviet Communist expansion. Japan reinvents itself, emerging as an economic powerhouse. Events like the Tokyo Olympiad and the World's Fair introduce a friendlier Japan to the world, but this period of peace and plenty conceals a populace still struggling to come to terms with the devastation of World War II.
During this period of recovery and reconciliation, Mizuki's struggles mirror those of the nation. He fights his way back from poverty, becoming a celebrity who is beloved by millions of manga-reading children. However, prosperity cannot bring the happiness Mizuki craves, as he struggles to find meaning in the sacrifices made during the war.
The original Japanese edition of the "Showa: A History of Japan" series won Mizuki the prestigious Kodansha Manga Award; the English translation has been nominated for an Eisner Award."

Book cover for 9781770462014
The price comparison is for this edition
With Shigeru Mizuki | from Drawn & Quarterly Pubns (September 29, 2015)
9781770462014 | details & prices | 533 pages | 6.00 × 8.00 × 2.00 in. | 2.00 lbs | List price $24.95
About: The final volume in the Eisner-nominated history of Japan; one of NPR's Best Books of 2014!

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