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TIME Barack Obama: Eight Years
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Bibliographic Detail
Publication date
December 23, 2016
0.23 by 8 by 10.88 in.
Original list price
$14.99 says people who bought this book also bought:
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Barack Obama: Quotable Wisdom | The Obamas: The White House Years | We Are the Change We Seek: The Speeches of Barack Obama | Obama: The Historic Presidency of Barack Obama - 2,920 Days | Michelle Obama: A Photographic Journey | Dream Big Dreams: Photographs from Barack Obama's Inspiring and Historic Presidency (Young Readers) | Chasing Light: Michelle Obama Through the Lens of a White House Photographer
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: In his historic presidency, Barack Obama led the United States through eight tumultuous and remarkably active years. And in this definitive, one-of-kind Special Edition, TIME’s experts assess the impact his administration had on the U.S. economy, foreign policy, health care and so much more. Along with spectacular and often moving images, TIME’s unmatched writers and reporters give this presidency a clear-eyed context through issues of race, inclusion and military approach. This edition delivers sharp, fresh stories and a bonus: TIME's foray into augmented reality, in which the cover and several inside pages spring to life via curated audio and video pieces accessed easily through the free TIME Special Edition app.
Please note that this product is an authorized edition published by Time Inc. and sold by Amazon. This edition is printed using a high quality matte interior paper and printed on demand for immediate fulfillment.
Please note that this product is an authorized edition published by Time Inc. and sold by Amazon. This edition is printed using a high quality matte interior paper and printed on demand for immediate fulfillment.
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