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The Wild Piano: A Philemon Adventure
By Fred
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Spotlight
Publication date August 15, 2016
Pages 48
Binding Library
Book category Juvenile Fiction
ISBN-13 9781614795032
ISBN-10 1614795037
Dimensions 0 by 8 by 10.25 in.
Original list price $27.07
Other format details juvenile
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: A-T-L-A-N-T-I-C! Just imagine all the magic that those letters on a map might hold. Young dreamer Philemon discovers that each letter is actually an island, which he reached through a well on his father's farm. In this new adventure, Phil must return to the islands to find the friend he left behind. He finds himself on the "N" where he inadvertently breaks the law, goes on trial, and is sentenced to confront the Wild Piano. Discover a fantasy world as original as Alice's Wonderland, as richly imagined as Little Nemo's Slumberland, and as exciting to explore as Oz.

Book cover for 9781935179832
from Toon Books (May 5, 2015)
9781935179832 | details & prices | 45 pages | 8.00 × 10.50 × 0.50 in. | Rec. grade levels 4-6 | 0.72 lbs | List price $16.95
Book cover for 9781614795032
The price comparison is for this edition
from Spotlight (August 15, 2016)
9781614795032 | details & prices | 48 pages | List price $27.07
About: A-T-L-A-N-T-I-C!

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