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Mother and Child
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: In the latest body of work by author and photographer Claiborne Swanson Frank, the artist set out to explore what modern motherhood means in the 21st century. Turning her lens on 70 iconic families of mothers and children from such celebrated names as Delfina Figueres, Carolina Herrera, Lauren Santo Domingo, Anne Vyalitsyna, Aerin Lauder, Patty Jansen, Swanson Frank's stunning portraits capture the emotional bonds and beauty that frame the primal relationship of a mother and child. Complementing her work is a series of questions-and-answers, in which Swanson Frank delicately tasks each mother to look within themselves and express what being a mother truly means to them. Their answers, while exceedingly thoughtful and introspective, are also amusing, fascinating and moving. Each one of these intimate and stunning portraits will captivate and inspire readers as they embark on this profound journey that reminds us all of the power of motherhood and the great gift of love.

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