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Legacy of the Dragon
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Amazon Pub
Publication date March 27, 2012
Pages 365
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Fiction
ISBN-13 9781612182148
ISBN-10 1612182143
Dimensions 1 by 5.75 by 8.50 in.
Weight 0.90 lbs.
Original list price $14.95
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: For former NYPD and Delaware State Police detective Paul Chang, retiring to open his own agency with former partner Nelson Rogers should mean leaving behind politics and scapegoating. Instead, corrupt Colonel Byrd of the state police and his lackey Clyde Foley harass Chang at every turn, and their unwanted attention puts his fledgling business on the brink of bankruptcy.

With the police on his back and the agency taking sleazy cases he never thought he’d have to, Chang erupts under the job’s pressures and sees his personal demon, an alter ego he calls the dragon, emerge. Only the training from his martial arts teacher and old friend Shu can keep Chang sane. But when someone tries to frame him for the stalking of his ex-wife and a journalist, the harassment turns deadly and the lives of everyone close to him are in danger. Unable to wait for events to take their course, Chang must unleash the dragon.

The second installment of J. Gregory Smith's Paul Chang mystery series, Legacy of the Dragon is a riveting exploration of the profound impact the sins of the past have on our present.

Book cover for 9781612182148
The price comparison is for this edition
from Amazon Pub (March 27, 2012); titled "Legacy of the Dragon"
9781612182148 | details & prices | 365 pages | 5.75 × 8.50 × 1.00 in. | 0.90 lbs | List price $14.95
About: For former NYPD and Delaware State Police detective Paul Chang, retiring to open his own agency with former partner Nelson Rogers should mean leaving behind politics and scapegoating.

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