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Social Implications and Challenges of E-Business
Feng Li (editor)
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Bibliographic Detail
Idea Group Reference
Publication date
March 30, 2007
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
1 by 8.75 by 11.25 in.
2.12 lbs.
Original list price
Summaries and Reviews
'This book explores the social implications and challenges of E-Business and E-Commerce regarding social inclusion and exclusion, the social shaping of e-business technologies, the changing nature and patterns of work and social activities, and online identity, security, risks, trust and privacy. It also explores the applications of E-Business technologies and principles in non-business activities and the challenges involved'--Provided by publisher. description: Product Description: The rapid development of the Internet and e-business has created not only lucrative economic opportunities, but also significant social challenges, with profound implications for individuals, communities and for our society as a whole. However, the social implications and challenges of e-business are still inadequately researched and poorly understood today. Social Implications and Challenges of E-Business explores the profound social implications and challenges of e-business, investigates how the rapid development of the Internet and e-business shapes, and is shaped, by various social forces; and highlights the enormous difficulties and challenges involved in applying e-business technologies and principles in public services and other non-business activities.
The price comparison is for this edition
from Idea Group Reference (March 30, 2007)
9781599041056 | details & prices | 218 pages | 8.75 × 11.25 × 1.00 in. | 2.12 lbs | List price $165.00
About: 'This book explores the social implications and challenges of E-Business and E-Commerce regarding social inclusion and exclusion, the social shaping of e-business technologies, the changing nature and patterns of work and social activities, and online identity, security, risks, trust and privacy.
About: 'This book explores the social implications and challenges of E-Business and E-Commerce regarding social inclusion and exclusion, the social shaping of e-business technologies, the changing nature and patterns of work and social activities, and online identity, security, risks, trust and privacy.
from Idea Group Pub (September 26, 2007)
9781599041070 | details & prices | List price $0.04
About: 'This book explores the social implications and challenges of E-Business and E-Commerce regarding social inclusion and exclusion, the social shaping of e-business technologies, the changing nature and patterns of work and social activities, and online identity, security, risks, trust and privacy.
About: 'This book explores the social implications and challenges of E-Business and E-Commerce regarding social inclusion and exclusion, the social shaping of e-business technologies, the changing nature and patterns of work and social activities, and online identity, security, risks, trust and privacy.
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