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A Guidebook for the Auditory Perception Test for the Hearing Impaired: From Assessment to Intervention
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Plural Pub Inc
Publication date September 15, 2015
Pages 250
Binding Paperback
Edition Pap/psc
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781597564861
ISBN-10 1597564869
Dimensions 0.75 by 7 by 10 in.
Weight 1 lbs.
Availability§ Out of Print
Original list price $59.95
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: NOTE: A Guidebook for the Auditory Perception Test for the Hearing Impaired: From Assessment to Intervention comes with the complete Auditory Perception Test for the Hearing Impaired, Third Edition, (APT-HI) kit (ISBN: 1597565903). Here you can purchase additional copies of just the Guidebook.

A Guidebook for the Auditory Perception Test for the Hearing Impaired is designed to be used with children who have undergone assessment with the Auditory Perception Test for the Hearing Impaired,Third Edition (APT-HI), a well-established test used to assess the auditory development and auditory processing of children with hearing loss. While the APT-HI test manual contains useful information, many professionals speech-language pathologists, pediatric audiologists, and teachers of the deaf may not possess the background, knowledge, and skills to interpret the results provided by the APT-HI and then develop a careful intervention plan for the child. This Guidebook clearly describes step-by-step processes for developing specific goals in audition, speech, and language for children who have completed the assessment. Numerous case studies are used to illustrate this process at various ages and levels of auditory functioning and speech/language development.

Book cover for 9781597564861
The price comparison is for this edition
Pap/psc edition from Plural Pub Inc (September 15, 2015)
9781597564861 | details & prices | 250 pages | 7.00 × 10.00 × 0.75 in. | 1.00 lbs | List price $59.95
About: NOTE: A Guidebook for the Auditory Perception Test for the Hearing Impaired: From Assessment to Intervention comes with the complete Auditory Perception Test for the Hearing Impaired, Third Edition, (APT-HI) kit (ISBN: 1597565903).

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