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Mentoring & Coaching Tips: How Educators Can Help Each Other
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Eye on Education
Publication date November 19, 2012
Pages 166
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781596672307
ISBN-10 1596672307
Dimensions 0.50 by 7.25 by 10.25 in.
Weight 0.85 lbs.
Original list price $34.95
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: This book is for educators at all levels and is packed with creative, use-now tips and activities to support new and struggling teachers. Combining real-life scenarios with current research, the author demonstrates how educators can get the most out of available resources, promote a school culture devoted to helping and caring, and meet common school challenges head-on! New and noteworthy―by providing creative activities and acknowledging the complexity inherent in school culture, this practical guide can really help educators implement a mentoring/coaching program that works!

Book cover for 9781596672307
The price comparison is for this edition
from Eye on Education (November 19, 2012)
9781596672307 | details & prices | 166 pages | 7.25 × 10.25 × 0.50 in. | 0.85 lbs | List price $34.95
About: This book is for educators at all levels and is packed with creative, use-now tips and activities to support new and struggling teachers.

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