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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Large Print Pr
Publication date December 24, 2007
Pages 495
Binding Paperback
Edition Large print
Book category Adult Fiction
ISBN-13 9781594132384
ISBN-10 1594132380
Dimensions 1 by 5.50 by 8.75 in.
Weight 1.25 lbs.
Availability§ Out of Print
Original list price $13.95
Other format details large print
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

A young friend pulls Scotland Yard's Richard Jury into the life - and death - of a wealthy bachelor....

The once-charismatic Billy Maples was last seen in a club named Dust, before his murder in a trendy London hotel. Proving as inscrutable - and challenging - to Jury as the case is the beautiful chief inspecting officer....

Before his death, Maples was a patron of London's finest art galleries and caretaker of author Henry James' house in Rye. It's there where Jury installs Melrose Plant, who takes his job to heart, as Jury closes in on the dark secrets behind Maples' friends and family....

Book cover for 9780670037865
from Viking Pr (January 16, 2007)
9780670037865 | details & prices | 342 pages | 6.75 × 9.50 × 1.00 in. | 1.20 lbs | List price $25.95
About: Richard Jury investigates the death of a wealthy bachelor with a mysterious past who was last seen in a club named Dust.
Book cover for 9781594132384
The price comparison is for this edition
Large print edition from Large Print Pr (December 24, 2007)
9781594132384 | details & prices | 495 pages | 5.50 × 8.75 × 1.00 in. | 1.25 lbs | List price $13.95
About: A young friend pulls Scotland Yard's Richard Jury into the life - and death - of a wealthy bachelor.

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