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The Silver Hearted
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Alyson Pubns
Publication date March 1, 2010
Pages 213
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Fiction
ISBN-13 9781593501402
ISBN-10 1593501404
Dimensions 1 by 5.50 by 8.50 in.
Weight 0.50 lbs.
Availability§ Publisher Out of Stock Indefinitely
Original list price $14.95
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

“The Silver Hearted is our Heart of Darkness. It is just as ominous, as violent, as exotic, as darkly colonial. But it is a lot better written than Conrad’s book. Whereas Conrad is always resorting to ‘the unspeakable,’ McConnell tells us everything in glowing detail and in fresh, eloquent language. Sexy, demonic, elusive, The Silver Hearted is a perfect work of art.”—Edmund White

Set against a background of revolution and profiteering of an unnamed port town, the story’s unnamed narrator is hired to protect a vast sum of money shadowy investors have entrusted to him. Literally chests of silver coins, this fortune must be protected at all costs. He turns for assistance to a naïve sailor, beautiful and young, who helps the narrator evacuate his money from a trading emporium overrun by violent mobs. With a hopeless fondness, the boy wants acknowledgement that lives have been destroyed for the sake of money. Unfortunately the ruthless calculus of profit and loss has an eerie appeal the narrator can’t shake, and the mobs are closing in. And he again has to get his fortune out of the city he’s found uneasy shelter in.

New York-based novelist David McConnell, whose short fiction and criticism have appeared in numerous periodicals and anthologies, is the author of the fictional memoir The Firebrat.

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