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Prayers to the Holy Spirit: Power and Light for Your Life
Bert Ghezzi
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Bibliographic Detail
Word Among Us Pr
Publication date
April 1, 2014
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
0.50 by 4.50 by 6.25 in.
0.25 lbs.
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The Power of Daily Prayer: The Way to Experience God's Love | Lord, Renew Your Wonders: Spiritual Gifts for Today | Your Life in the Holy Spirit: What Every Catholic Needs to Know and Experience | A Season of Grace: Embracing God's Gifts in the Autumn of Our Lives | Holy Spirit, Make Your Home in Me | Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit | Mystics & Miracles
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: How can the Holy Spirit bring power and light to your life? This pocket-sized book features seventy-five reflections that will expand your knowledge of the Holy Spirit and encourage you to pray specifically and expectantly for the gifts he bestows. For each reflection, popular author and speaker Bert Ghezzi begins with a brief Scripture passage and then highlights one or more ways that the Spirit works in us, using examples from the Bible, Church Fathers, and the lives of the saints and contemporary Catholics. Then he prays a blessing for you to receive this gift and offers a prayer starter that leads you to ask the Holy Spirit for that grace.
The price comparison is for this edition
from Word Among Us Pr (April 1, 2014)
9781593252526 | details & prices | 176 pages | 4.50 × 6.25 × 0.50 in. | 0.25 lbs | List price $10.95
About: How can the Holy Spirit bring power and light to your life?
About: How can the Holy Spirit bring power and light to your life?
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