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God's Tender Mercy: Reflections on Forgiveness
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Twenty Third Pubns
Publication date
July 29, 2010
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Adult Non-Fiction
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§As reported by publisher says people who bought this book also bought:
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Aspects of the Heart: The Many Paths of a Good Life | Scarred By Struggle, Transformed By Hope | Between the Dark and the Daylight | Two Dogs and a Parrot | The Psalms | The Gift of Years | The Breath of the Soul | Following the Path
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Sister Joan Chittister is a bestselling author for a very good reason. She takes difficult and even mysterious concepts and breaks them open for us. Here she tackles the virtue of mercy and its connection to forgiveness. She feels strongly that most of us don t understand either mercy or forgiveness and don t offer them enough to others. She challenges us to stop judging, accusing, and criticizing those we label sinners and to see ourselves in their number. She invites us to be realistic about our own actions before we throw that first stone at another.
This is spiritual reading at its very best. Sister Joan s insights invite all of us to seek holiness through receiving and then offering God s tender mercy and forgiveness to one another. In doing so we become holy. There is no other way.
from Gardners Books (September 15, 2010); titled "God's Tender Mercy: Reflection's on Forgiveness"
9781856077149 | details & prices | 80 pages | List price $17.00
The price comparison is for this edition
from Twenty Third Pubns (July 29, 2010)
9781585957996 | details & prices | 80 pages | List price $10.95
About: Sister Joan Chittister is a bestselling author for a very good reason.
About: Sister Joan Chittister is a bestselling author for a very good reason.
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