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Family Life Education: Working With Families Across the Life Span
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Waveland Pr Inc
Publication date August 15, 2006
Pages 342
Binding Paperback
Edition 2
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781577664659
ISBN-10 1577664655
Dimensions 0.75 by 7 by 9 in.
Weight 1.25 lbs.
Original list price $41.95
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Contemporary family life educators must operate in a wide range of settings and with increasingly varied populations and families. In the second edition of their successful Family Life Education, Powell and Cassidy expertly expose readers to the diverse landscape of the field while laying a comprehensive, practical foundation for future family life educators. The authors, both CFLE-certified, consider the Certified Family Life Educator certification requirements of the National Council on Family Relations throughout the text. Their broad overview of the field features a blend of theory and practice, with full chapters on sexuality education, marriage education, and parent education—areas that have received evaluation and certification attention. A new chapter on global trends builds awareness and appreciation of diversity through interactive classroom exercises. Each chapter in the book concludes with discussion questions, research problems, independent-study activities, and case-study suggestions, all designed to challenge readers to think for themselves.

Book cover for 9781577664659
The price comparison is for this edition
2 edition from Waveland Pr Inc (August 15, 2006)
9781577664659 | details & prices | 342 pages | 7.00 × 9.00 × 0.75 in. | 1.25 lbs | List price $41.95
About: Contemporary family life educators must operate in a wide range of settings and with increasingly varied populations and families.

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