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True Love: How to Make Your Relationship Sweeter, Deeper, and More Passionate
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Conari Pr
Publication date December 1, 2002
Pages 204
Binding Paperback
Edition Reprint
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781573248631
ISBN-10 1573248630
Dimensions 0.50 by 5.50 by 6.25 in.
Weight 0.35 lbs.
Original list price $14.95
Summaries and Reviews
The newly revised guidebook offers sixty inspirational lessons on how to enhance trust, intimacy, and pleasure in a relationship, in chapters of 'The Conditions of Love,' 'Cherishing Your Beloved,' and 'The Transformation of Love.' Reprint. 30,000 first printing. description: Product Description:

Everyone wants true love, and this national bestseller teaches you how to experience it. Witty, poetic, and exuberant, True Love contains an introduction to the essence of love, as well as over sixty suggestions for expanding the psychological and spiritual aspects of love. The book can be read from cover to cover, but each entry stands alone to be read again and again, helping readers learn to love more passionately and fully.

Book cover for 9780943233581
Reprint edition from Conari Pr (February 1, 1994)
9780943233581 | details & prices | 6.25 × 6.25 × 0.75 in. | 0.60 lbs | List price $12.95
Book cover for 9780943233130 Book cover for 9781573248631
The price comparison is for this edition
Reprint edition from Conari Pr (December 1, 2002); titled "True Love: How to Make Your Relationship Sweeter, Deeper, and More Passionate"
9781573248631 | details & prices | 204 pages | 5.50 × 6.25 × 0.50 in. | 0.35 lbs | List price $14.95
About: Offers sixty lessons for enhancing a relationship and creating a lasting love.
from Conari Pr (December 1, 1994)
9780943233130 | details & prices | 6.25 × 6.25 × 0.50 in. | 0.35 lbs | List price $13.95
About: Offers suggestions for enhancing a relationship and creating a lasting love

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