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Transbuddhism: Transmission, Translation, Transformation
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Bibliographic Detail
Univ of Massachusetts Pr
Publication date
November 30, 2009
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
0.75 by 6.25 by 9.25 in.
1.30 lbs.
Out of Print
Original list price
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university press
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The Longest Journey | The Fluid Pantheon | A Cultural History of Japanese Buddhism | Gods of Medieval Japan | Muslim Networks From Hajj To Hip Hop | Transnational Transcendence | The Invention Of World Religions
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: The global spread of Buddhism is giving rise to new forms of religious complexity, both in the West and in Asia. This collection of essays examines the religious and cultural conversations that are occurring in this process from a diverse range of disciplinary, methodological, and literary perspectives, including philosophy, ethnography, history, and cultural studies.
The chapters in the first section explore the transmission of Buddhism to the West, ranging from the writings of one of its earliest western interpreters, the Wesleyan missionary R. Spence Hardy, to the globalization of Tibetan Buddhist reincarnation, to the development and practice of Buddhism within the American prison system. The concluding chapter of this section presents a case study of a Japanese Buddhist temple in Oregon that ultimately died out an example of a transmission that failed.
The second section looks at the complex issues that arise in the translation of Buddhist terms, texts, and concepts from one language or cultural milieu to another. Two chapters examine the challenges confronted by those who translate Buddhist texts one exploring the contemporary translation of Tibetan Buddhism, the second analyzing an exchange of poetry in medieval Japan. The other two chapters describe the translation of Buddhist ideas into new cultural domains in America, specifically film and sports.
The final section presents case studies in the transformation of Buddhism which is resulting from its new global interconnections. Topics include the role of women in transforming Buddhist patriarchy, Buddhist-Freudian dialogue in relationship to mourning, and the interplay between Buddhism and the environmental movement.
The book also includes images created by the noted artist Meridel Rubenstein which frame the individual chapters within a nonverbal exploration of the themes discussed.
In addition to the editors, contributors include Mark Blum, Mario D Amato, Sue Darlington, Elizabeth Eastman, Connie Kassor, Tom Rohlich, Judith Snodgrass, Jane Stangl, and Karma Lekshe Tsomo.
The chapters in the first section explore the transmission of Buddhism to the West, ranging from the writings of one of its earliest western interpreters, the Wesleyan missionary R. Spence Hardy, to the globalization of Tibetan Buddhist reincarnation, to the development and practice of Buddhism within the American prison system. The concluding chapter of this section presents a case study of a Japanese Buddhist temple in Oregon that ultimately died out an example of a transmission that failed.
The second section looks at the complex issues that arise in the translation of Buddhist terms, texts, and concepts from one language or cultural milieu to another. Two chapters examine the challenges confronted by those who translate Buddhist texts one exploring the contemporary translation of Tibetan Buddhism, the second analyzing an exchange of poetry in medieval Japan. The other two chapters describe the translation of Buddhist ideas into new cultural domains in America, specifically film and sports.
The final section presents case studies in the transformation of Buddhism which is resulting from its new global interconnections. Topics include the role of women in transforming Buddhist patriarchy, Buddhist-Freudian dialogue in relationship to mourning, and the interplay between Buddhism and the environmental movement.
The book also includes images created by the noted artist Meridel Rubenstein which frame the individual chapters within a nonverbal exploration of the themes discussed.
In addition to the editors, contributors include Mark Blum, Mario D Amato, Sue Darlington, Elizabeth Eastman, Connie Kassor, Tom Rohlich, Judith Snodgrass, Jane Stangl, and Karma Lekshe Tsomo.
The price comparison is for this edition
1 edition from Univ of Massachusetts Pr (November 30, 2009)
9781558497078 | details & prices | 260 pages | 6.25 × 9.25 × 0.75 in. | 1.30 lbs | List price $80.00
About: The global spread of Buddhism is giving rise to new forms of religious complexity, both in the West and in Asia.
About: The global spread of Buddhism is giving rise to new forms of religious complexity, both in the West and in Asia.
from Univ of Massachusetts Pr (November 30, 2009)
9781558497085 | details & prices | 260 pages | 6.00 × 9.50 × 0.75 in. | 1.02 lbs | List price $24.95
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