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Celine Dion's Let's Talk About Love: A Journey to the End of Taste
By Kevin Draine (narrator) and Carl Wilson
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Jump down to see edition details for: CD/Spoken Word
Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Audible Studios on Brilliance audio
Publication date July 26, 2016
Binding CD/Spoken Word
Edition Mp3 una
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781522687252
ISBN-10 1522687254
Original list price $9.99
Other format details audio
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

Non-fans regard Celine Dion as ersatz and plastic, yet to those who love her, no one could be more real, with her impoverished childhood, her (creepy) manager-husband's struggle with cancer, her knack for howling out raw emotion. There is nothing cool about Celine Dion, and nothing clever. That is part of her appeal as an object of love or hatred―with most critics and committed music fans taking pleasure (or at least geeky solace) in their lofty contempt.

This book documents Carl Wilson's brave and unprecedented year-long quest to find his inner Celine Dion fan, and explores how we define ourselves in the light of what we call good and bad; what we love and what we hate.

CD/Spoken Word
Book cover for 9781522687252
The price comparison is for this edition
With Carl Wilson | Mp3 una edition from Audible Studios on Brilliance audio (July 26, 2016)
9781522687252 | details & prices | List price $9.99
About: Non-fans regard Celine Dion as ersatz and plastic, yet to those who love her, no one could be more real, with her impoverished childhood, her (creepy) manager-husband's struggle with cancer, her knack for howling out raw emotion.

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