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Lead With Humility: 12 Leadership Lessons from Pope Francis
By Walter Dixon (narrator) and Jeffery A. Krames
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Gildan Media on Dreamscape Audio
Publication date December 29, 2015
Binding CD/Spoken Word
Edition Mp3 una
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781520003375
ISBN-10 1520003374
Dimensions 1.13 by 6 by 5 in.
Original list price $29.99
Other format details audio
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: When Fortune announced its list of the World's Greatest Leaders, the top spot was awarded - not to a captain of industry - but to the new pontiff. In the year since his election, Pope Francis earned that accolade...and more. He has achieved the remarkable: breathed life into an aging institution, reinvigorated a global base, and created real hope for the future. How did a man who spent his life laboring in slums far from the Vatican manage to do this and so quickly? The answer lies in his humility - and the simple principles that spring from it. Lead with Humility explores 12 of these principles and shows how leaders and managers can adapt them for the workplace with equally impressive results. They include: don't stand over your employees - sit down with them; avoid insularity; don't judge - assess; take care of people, not lobbies; go where you are needed; temper ideology with pragmatism; and, don't change - reinvent! The boldest course can be the most prudent. Pope Francis' ability to inspire the world is unprecedented in modern times. Lead with Humility reveals the power of his methods, and helps anyone lead with grace and greater authenticity.

CD/Spoken Word
Book cover for 9781520003368 Book cover for 9781520003375
With Jeffrey A. Krames | Unabridged edition from Gildan Media on Dreamscape Audio (December 29, 2015)
9781520003368 | details & prices | 6.50 × 5.50 × 1.25 in. | 0.30 lbs | List price $39.99
About: When Fortune announced its list of the World's Greatest Leaders, the top spot was awarded - not to a captain of industry - but to the new pontiff.
The price comparison is for this edition
With Jeffery A. Krames | Mp3 una edition from Gildan Media on Dreamscape Audio (December 29, 2015)
9781520003375 | details & prices | 6.04 × 5.04 × 1.13 in. | List price $29.99
About: When Fortune announced its list of the World's Greatest Leaders, the top spot was awarded - not to a captain of industry - but to the new pontiff.

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