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Red Solstice
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Createspace Independent Pub
Publication date February 26, 2015
Pages 228
Binding Paperback
Edition 2 revised
Book category Adult Fiction
ISBN-13 9781508536314
ISBN-10 1508536317
Dimensions 0.52 by 5.50 by 8.50 in.
Original list price $13.86
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: What do you do when another world intrudes on yours and suddenly all the things you took for granted seem to be turned on their head. Lily Millefleur, at eighteen thought herself a normal teenager, until that night seven days before the Summer Solstice, when she encountered strange and sinister magic in the shape of the anonymous stranger, that they had nicknamed Red. She had no idea how far this encounter would take her, or the dangers that she would have to endure, for the sake of her true birthright.

Book cover for 9781505410334 Book cover for 9781508536314
The price comparison is for this edition
2 revised edition from Createspace Independent Pub (February 26, 2015)
9781508536314 | details & prices | 228 pages | 5.50 × 8.50 × 0.52 in. | List price $13.86
About: What do you do when another world intrudes on yours and suddenly all the things you took for granted seem to be turned on their head.
from Createspace Independent Pub (December 6, 2014)
9781505410334 | details & prices | 254 pages | 6.00 × 9.00 × 0.58 in. | List price $30.88
About: What do you do when another world intrudes on yours and suddenly all the things you took for granted seem to be turned on their head.

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