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Ready-to-Go Instructional Strategies That Build Collaboration, Communication, and Critical Thinking
Denise M. White and
Alisa H. Braddy
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Bibliographic Detail
Publication date
March 30, 2017
0.50 by 7 by 10 in.
0.65 lbs.
Original list price
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Craft a culture of engaging student centered learning With over 50 years of experience in education Alisa H Braddy and Denise White have compiled this essential toolkit for teachers of any subject or grade level to inject life into their instruction Suitable for teachers administrators or instructional coaches this resource creates engaging lessons that bring agency and critical thinking to students learning Step by step procedures for implementing the various strategies are provided in each chapter as well as Actual scenarios and vignettes of strategies in action A matrix highlighting the benefits of each strategy Reflection questions to challenge readers thinking and generate action This book will allow teachers and administrators to facilitate effective collaboration and communication in the classroom and embed critical thinking in students while working with the content being learned It is designed so that a teacher can use it immediately to enhance classroom instruction an administrator can facilitate meaningful conversations with teachers academic coaches can use it a resource and as a professional development tool to model strategies It will help make sense of all the standards initiatives and other instructional demands on teachers and how to make them work together to provide purposeful meaningful and effective instruction for their students
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