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Beyond Belief: Life After Faith
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Author Solutions
Publication date September 24, 2014
Pages 190
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781499073201
ISBN-10 1499073208
Original list price $29.99
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: How and why does faith so often fade away? Where does it go, and what do you hold on to when it is gone? Between the believer and the unbeliever lies a sort of communicational void-a cultural gap-usually marked by silence or, alternatively, by rage. This extended essay draws on history, literature, and theology as well as personal experience in an attempt to give some kind of account of the demise of belief in terms that a believer can perhaps understand and, in the process, to cover some of the principal reasons why the arguments usually put forward to buttress faith prove to be without force. In the end, faith can enrich a person's life only at the expense of the illusions on which it is based.

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