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The Richest Man Who Ever Lived: The Life and Times of Jacob Fugger
Greg Steinmetz and
Norman Dietz (narrator)
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Bibliographic Detail
Tantor Media Inc
Publication date
November 17, 2015
CD/Spoken Word
Mp3 una
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
0.75 by 5.50 by 7.50 in.
0.20 lbs.
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Jacob Fugger lived in Germany at the turn of the sixteenth century, the grandson of a peasant. By the time he died, his fortune amounted to nearly two percent of European GDP. Not even John D. Rockefeller had that kind of wealth.
Most people become rich by spotting opportunities, pioneering new technologies, or besting opponents in negotiations. Fugger did all that, but he had an extra quality that allowed him to rise even higher: nerve. In an era when kings had unlimited power, Fugger had the nerve to stare down heads of state and ask them to pay back their loans-with interest. It was this coolness and self-assurance, along with his inexhaustible ambition, that made him not only the richest man ever but a force of history as well. Fugger helped trigger the Reformation and likely funded Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe.
The ultimate untold story, The Richest Man Who Ever Lived is more than a tale about the richest and most influential businessman of all time. It is a story about palace intrigue, knights in battle, family tragedy and triumph, and a violent clash between the 1 percent and everybody else.
Most people become rich by spotting opportunities, pioneering new technologies, or besting opponents in negotiations. Fugger did all that, but he had an extra quality that allowed him to rise even higher: nerve. In an era when kings had unlimited power, Fugger had the nerve to stare down heads of state and ask them to pay back their loans-with interest. It was this coolness and self-assurance, along with his inexhaustible ambition, that made him not only the richest man ever but a force of history as well. Fugger helped trigger the Reformation and likely funded Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe.
The ultimate untold story, The Richest Man Who Ever Lived is more than a tale about the richest and most influential businessman of all time. It is a story about palace intrigue, knights in battle, family tragedy and triumph, and a violent clash between the 1 percent and everybody else.
CD/Spoken Word
The price comparison is for this edition
With Greg Steinmetz |
Mp3 una edition from Tantor Media Inc (November 17, 2015)
9781494569372 | details & prices | 5.50 × 7.50 × 0.75 in. | 0.20 lbs | List price $29.99
About: Jacob Fugger lived in Germany at the turn of the sixteenth century, the grandson of a peasant.
About: Jacob Fugger lived in Germany at the turn of the sixteenth century, the grandson of a peasant.
With Greg Steinmetz |
Unabridged edition from Tantor Media Inc (November 17, 2015)
9781494519377 | details & prices | 6.50 × 5.50 × 1.25 in. | 0.50 lbs | List price $39.99
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