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Tragic Hollywood, Beautiful, Glamorous, Dead
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Createspace Independent Pub
Publication date December 19, 2013
Pages 276
Binding Paperback
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781493557370
ISBN-10 1493557378
Dimensions 0.75 by 6 by 9 in.
Weight 1.05 lbs.
Original list price $14.99
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: New for 2016: Fourth Edition! More details, more and better images! More editing! Enjoy! Have you always been fascinated by the morbid side of Hollywood? Did you cut your teeth on books like Hollywood Babylon, and shows like Mysteries And Scandals? This book promises to deliver all the salacious details about the stars you remember, not for their films, but for their tragic short lives. What really happened to Natalie Wood aboard The Splendor that cold November night? Was Jayne Mansfield really decapitated? Just how decadent were the days of the silent movies? Maybe you think you've heard it all? Trust me, you haven't! Chock full of new details, shocking photos and even a segment on haunted Hollywood, you've never seen a book quite like Tragic Hollywood. Read about the unbelievable thing that happened to Errol Flynn AFTER he was dead. Find out why Sharon Tate is said to haunt her Cielo Drive Neighborhood to this day. You will not be able to put this book down! These stories are delivered with a wit and poignant observation that will leave you saying "WOW"

Book cover for 9781493557370
The price comparison is for this edition
from Createspace Independent Pub (December 19, 2013)
9781493557370 | details & prices | 276 pages | 6.00 × 9.00 × 0.75 in. | 1.05 lbs | List price $14.99
About: New for 2016: Fourth Edition!

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