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The Secret That Lies Beneath
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Xlibris Corp
Publication date
June 12, 2014
Book category
Adult Non-Fiction
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: The cover of the book, Illusions, was created by the creative talents of David Lipnik and Richard A. Morris. David Lipnik is married with two twin boys and a younger daughter. A successful photographer who at this time helps run one of the largest privately held film distribution companies. He continues to embark on new career opportunities while realizing that his family is his most valuable asset. Throughout my story, The Secret That Lies Beneath, it is apparent that love can appear in many different forms. Being In Love is one of the greatest emotions that can be shared between two individuals. One should learn to take their time to truly understand their partner's actions and feelings while building upon their love. One should trust slowly and each day will bring to you opportunities and challenges that allow you to learn about yourself and your partner. Finding love with another individual is a gift. Through communication, individuals in love will continue to experience and build upon their intimacy. Although expressing one's thoughts and feelings may make one feel vulnerable, the gain in intimacy and increased love is exponential. However, it is very important to realize during the period of working towards building a healthy and nurturing relationship does not warrant that you as an individual should jeopardize his/her own mental and physical health. Take care of body and mind for they are the gift to another person. Wishing you all peace, good health and love!
The price comparison is for this edition
from Xlibris Corp (June 12, 2014)
9781493180189 | details & prices | 34 pages | List price $21.99
About: The cover of the book, Illusions, was created by the creative talents of David Lipnik and Richard A.
About: The cover of the book, Illusions, was created by the creative talents of David Lipnik and Richard A.
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