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Guide to Licking and Sucking: How to Impress Him With the Best Blowjob - the Best Illustrated Guide to Oral Sex - the Ultimate Techniques Revealed: Author of Sex: Women First
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Createspace Independent Pub
Publication date November 24, 2013
Pages 308
Binding Paperback
Edition Large print
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781492877134
ISBN-10 1492877131
Dimensions 0.70 by 6 by 9 in.
Original list price $13.99
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: You will find in it the most beautiful digital explicit Art pictures selected to Illustrated that special Guide to Licking and Sucking - How to Impress Him with the Best BlowJob. This is a young nurse’s confession. In it, she retells her morally questionable sexual encounters in a way that is refreshingly frank and highly arousing. However, there is much more to her tale than just the story of her salacious career. She wants to impart knowledge, too. Between each sexually charged chapter of her life, Maria writes openly about oral sex and what she’s learned through years of practice. Everything you’ve ever wanted to know, and maybe some things you never even thought of, are within these pages. If you’re looking for more than another stale guide on how to give the best blowjob, then this really is the book for you. Let Maria draw you into her mind and explore oral sex from her unique and fascinating viewpoint. She’ll explain how fellatio can be just as enjoyable for a woman as it is for a man; she’ll show you how to give the hottest blowjob your lover has ever experienced; and she will reveal the secrets of a nurse who has sucked dicks of all shapes and sizes. Part guide, part memoir, Head Nurse is a steamy, sensual and educational read. You won’t want to put it down… and, when you eventually do, you’ll want a penis nearby to begin putting what you’ve learned into practice!

Book cover for 9781492877134
The price comparison is for this edition
Large print edition from Createspace Independent Pub (November 24, 2013)
9781492877134 | details & prices | 308 pages | 6.00 × 9.00 × 0.70 in. | List price $13.99
About: You will find in it the most beautiful digital explicit Art pictures selected to Illustrated that special Guide to Licking and Sucking - How to Impress Him with the Best BlowJob.

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