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Willfully Ignorant
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Author Solutions
Publication date January 20, 2014
Pages 318
Binding Hardcover
Book category Adult Fiction
ISBN-13 9781490822167
ISBN-10 149082216X
Dimensions 1 by 6.25 by 9.25 in.
Weight 1.25 lbs.
Original list price $37.95
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

Carin Miller has reluctantly gone to Berlin to work in the bakery of a family friend. She arrives in 1933, just as Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. Her stay in Germany was to last only two years, but instead spanned over twelve years, until the end of World War II.

She is appalled by the treatment of the Jews and the policies of the Nazi regime. She begs her friend, Anna, who is Jewish, to get out of Germany. Carin wonders why the German people put up with Hitler and the atrocities of the SS. She criticizes their willful ignorance, but discovers that she too is guilty of hiding her head in the sand.

Carin falls in love with Peter and then finds out that he is a high-ranking officer in the SS. He confesses his love for her and asks her to wait for him until after the war. As a Christian, she knows that the relationship must end.

Standing by while the horrific events unfold around her does not sit well with Carin's conscience, but why get involved when Germany is not her country? She is a Christian, not a Jew. And what can one person do?

Will she join the Resistance, knowing the risks?

Book cover for 9781490822167
The price comparison is for this edition
from Author Solutions (January 20, 2014)
9781490822167 | details & prices | 318 pages | 6.25 × 9.25 × 1.00 in. | 1.25 lbs | List price $37.95
About: Carin Miller has reluctantly gone to Berlin to work in the bakery of a family friend.
from Author Solutions (January 20, 2014)
9781490822174 | details & prices | 318 pages | 6.00 × 8.75 × 0.75 in. | 0.95 lbs | List price $22.95

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