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By Diana Palmer and Todd McLaren (narrator)
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Publisher Brilliance Audio
Publication date November 24, 2015
Binding CD/Spoken Word
Edition Mp3 una
Book category Adult Fiction
ISBN-13 9781480567726
ISBN-10 1480567728
Dimensions 0.50 by 5.25 by 6.50 in.
Weight 0.15 lbs.
Original list price $12.99
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For almost three years, Dtimun, the enigmatic and mysterious Cehn-Tahr commander of the Morcai Battalion, has been at war not only with the Rojok Dynasty…but also with his feisty medical chief of staff, Dr. Madeline Ruszel.

Now a surprising visitor from the future has charged them with the rescue of the enemy, field marshal Chacon. To ensure success, both Madeline and Dtimun must make personal sacrifices and attempt a dangerous mission behind enemy lines. Sparks fly as each twist and turn throws them closer together than they've ever been before, but can they resist acting on desires they have long denied?

If their plans are discovered, they face exile by their own governments and possibly even execution. If they do not act, the future will see the end of civilization itself.…

CD/Spoken Word
Book cover for 9781480567719 Book cover for 9781480567726
The price comparison is for this edition
With Todd McLaren (other contributor) | Mp3 una edition from Brilliance Audio (November 24, 2015)
9781480567726 | details & prices | 5.25 × 6.50 × 0.50 in. | 0.15 lbs | List price $12.99
About: For almost three years, Dtimun, the enigmatic and mysterious Cehn-Tahr commander of the Morcai Battalion, has been at war not only with the Rojok Dynasty…but also with his feisty medical chief of staff, Dr.
With Todd McLaren (other contributor) | Unabridged edition from Brilliance Audio (November 24, 2015)
9781480567719 | details & prices | 5.50 × 6.50 × 0.75 in. | 0.44 lbs | List price $14.99
About: For almost three years, Dtimun, the enigmatic and mysterious Cehn-Tahr commander of the Morcai Battalion, has been at war not only with the Rojok Dynasty…but also with his feisty medical chief of staff, Dr.

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