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Great Careers in the Sports Industry: Set 2
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Bibliographic Detail
Rosen Young Adult
Publication date
August 1, 2014
Book category
Juvenile Non-Fiction
4.25 by 10.25 by 13.25 in.
6.40 lbs.
Original list price
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Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: These provocative volumes introduce readers to some intriguing fields within the sports industry, including finance, law, media, scouting, refereeing, and facility operations. Each book thoroughly explains the career area, emphasizing job prerequisites and qualifications, duties and responsibilities, work environment, job advancement, and future job prospects. For high school students who want to get a jump on a specific career path, this collection offers authoritative guidance in job preparation and training, resume building, networking, and other skills such as speaking, listening, reading, and writing that are highlighted in the College and Career Readiness anchor standards for the Common Core curriculum. • Interviews or profiles of professionals who offer helpful career tips • College and university programs relating to the specific field and other educational opportunities are listed in a special back matter section • For easy reference, in the back matter, at-a-glance summaries provide details about academic and related experience requirements, as well as U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics information about each job’s significant points, nature of the work, training, other qualifications, advancement, job outlook, and work environment
The price comparison is for this edition
from Rosen Young Adult (August 1, 2014)
9781477775226 | details & prices | 10.25 × 13.25 × 4.25 in. | 6.40 lbs | List price $245.70
About: These provocative volumes introduce readers to some intriguing fields within the sports industry, including finance, law, media, scouting, refereeing, and facility operations.
About: These provocative volumes introduce readers to some intriguing fields within the sports industry, including finance, law, media, scouting, refereeing, and facility operations.
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