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Doomed City: Library Edition
By Edwin Miles (trans) and Jonas Winner
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Brilliance Audio Lib Edn
Publication date April 29, 2014
Binding CD/Spoken Word
Edition Mp3 una
Book category Adult Fiction
ISBN-13 9781469215532
ISBN-10 1469215535
Dimensions 0.50 by 5.37 by 7.50 in.
Availability§ Publication Cancelled
Original list price $39.97
Other format details audio
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description:

The second book in Jonas Winner’s haunting Berlin Gothic series.

Ten years after the death of patriarch Xavier Bentheim, long-estranged Till Anschütz returns to Berlin for the wedding of the family’s youngest daughter.

Till carries with him the disturbing memories and macabre secrets surrounding Xavier’s death. And although he doesn’t know it, his return to Berlin has set in motion a sinister plan.

With Xavier Bentheim’s dark legacy looming over his family’s future, the tunnels beneath Berlin churn with a new evil―one that threatens to bring down not only the Bentheim family, but the entire city.

CD/Spoken Word
Book cover for 9781469215532
The price comparison is for this edition
With Jonas Winner | Mp3 una edition from Brilliance Audio Lib Edn (April 29, 2014)
9781469215532 | details & prices | 5.37 × 7.50 × 0.50 in. | List price $39.97
About: The second book in Jonas Winner’s haunting Berlin Gothic series.

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