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8 Keys to Old School Parenting for Modern-day Families: Library Edition
By Michael Mascolo and Walter Dixon (narrator)
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Blackstone Audio Inc
Publication date September 8, 2015
Binding CD/Spoken Word
Edition Unabridged
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781469033426
ISBN-10 1469033429
Dimensions 0 by 5.10 by 5.68 in.
Original list price $69.99
Other format details audio
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: Does it ever feel like kids these days are in control of their parents?Having a strong sense of yourself as a parent is key to raising a resilient, independent, thoughtful, and solution-focused child. But over the last several generations, parents have been immersed in the well-intentioned idea that parenting should be child-centered rather than adult-centered. Many parents have begun to follow their children's lead rather than insist that children adapt to parental prerogatives. Parental authority has come to be seen as a bad thing.The eight keys presented in this book focus on valuing your own authority as a parent: cultivating your child's character, applying discipline instead of punishment, strategies to motivate compliance, fostering emotional development, solving problems, conflict management, and effective communication. They will help parents feel good about themselves, take initiative, have a strong moral compass, and raise self-directed children who are active learners.

CD/Spoken Word
Book cover for 9781469033426 Book cover for 9781469033433
The price comparison is for this edition
With Michael Mascolo | Unabridged edition from Blackstone Audio Inc (September 8, 2015)
9781469033426 | details & prices | List price $69.99
About: Does it ever feel like kids these days are in control of their parents?
With Michael Mascolo | Mp3 una edition from Blackstone Audio Inc (September 8, 2015)
9781469033433 | details & prices | List price $29.99

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