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Taylor Swift Official 2016 Calendar
By Browntrout Publishers (corporate author)
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Bibliographic Detail
Publisher Browntrout Pub
Publication date July 1, 2015
Binding Paperback
Edition Wal
Book category Adult Non-Fiction
ISBN-13 9781465039262
ISBN-10 1465039260
Dimensions 0.25 by 12 by 12 in.
Weight 0.40 lbs.
Availability§ Publisher Out of Stock Indefinitely
Original list price $14.99
Other format details calendar
§As reported by publisher
Summaries and Reviews description: Product Description: The official wall calendar features a collection of photographs of this young superstar who, with her graciousness and warmth, has amassed millions of loyal fans across the globe. BrownTrout is committed to sustainability.Classic square format. Updated style. The square 18-month wall calendars include 13 stunning images and even clearer grids and text. Each of these 12" x 12" calendars features an opening spread with a beautiful six-month (July-December 2015) calendar to plan the last six months of the year and rev up for 2016. Filled with an abundance of holidays, each month' grid is large enough for daily tasks and appointments.

Book cover for 9781465039262
The price comparison is for this edition
Wal edition from Browntrout Pub (July 1, 2015)
9781465039262 | details & prices | 12.00 × 12.00 × 0.25 in. | 0.40 lbs | List price $14.99
About: The official wall calendar features a collection of photographs of this young superstar who, with her graciousness and warmth, has amassed millions of loyal fans across the globe.

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